Ventilation air flow assessment to reduce infection

The issue

A Higher Education client required technical support to assess their campus buildings for appropriate air flow and fresh rates to assist in reducing the risk of the spread of COVID.

The requirement for a high concentration of people in a confined location meant the client needed advice on air flow rates and optimum occupation numbers.

A strategy was required to allocate resources more efficiently and to use costs strategically to meet ongoing statutory compliances and continued operational life across the campus.

Our solution

The commission involved assessing the main plant operation, ensuring the effectiveness of the distribution system and deciding on maximum flow rates per room/area.

RCRProjects used our extensive and detailed knowledge of range of buildings across the campus to identify the operational effectiveness of the air handling units (AHUs), the areas served, assess for required remedial works and maximum operational duty of the ventilation systems.

This information was obtained through both visual assessment and site measurement. The outputs were detailed on site floorplans and summarised in an overall ventilation workbook for use by the client’s team to maximise room use whilst limiting any risk of COVID transfer.

RCRProjects utilised our HVAC engineering expertise, specialist air quality knowledge and intricate technical project experience on site in order to delvier the project quickly for the client.

Measure of success

The teaching and learning environments were quickly and efficiently reinstated to operate within safety guidance.

RCRProjects still maintain the rooms and other buildings on the campus to the highest standard within commercial budget restraints, with an annual project value of over £1million.

We have advised this client for over 5 years, becoming a key part of their service delivery.

At any point in a project or estate lifecycle RCRProjects can provide innovative, effective & efficient ways to manage the built environment to benefit the end user, and drive efficiency and sustainability.

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