Privacy Policy

Privacy Notices:

RCRProjects will respect any personal data you share with us, or that we get from other organisations, and keep it safe. We aim to be clear when we collect your data and not do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect.


In accordance with General Data Protection Regulation, RCRProjects will protect the privacy of individuals when handling any personal information and ensure they are compliant, with relevant data protection and privacy laws by adhering to the following principles:

  • Be transparent about collection, use and disclosure of personal information
  • Collect and use personal information fairly and lawfully
  • Only collect personal information that we require and only keep it for as long as is necessary
  • Keep personal information accurate and up to date
  • Respect the privacy rights of individuals granted by privacy laws
  • Keep personal information secure


In meeting these objectives RCRProjects will:

  • Keep up to date with all applicable data protection/privacy laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
  • Take steps to provide appropriate training and support to ensure that all personnel are aware of our obligations under this Policy.
  • Ensure relevant security procedures are implemented through our IT provider and issue guidance to staff explaining their data protection and security obligations.
  • Ensure that we only share personal information with third parties with consent of the individual and do so only where necessary and seek assurances that the third party has adequate security procedures in place to protect such information.
  • Implement clear processes for individuals to raise and resolve concerns about how RCRProjects processes their personal information.
  • Ensure our privacy notices are clear, accessible and give sufficient information about how we use and share personal information and where personal information can be updated or corrected.
  • Delete/destroy personal information no longer needed for its original business purpose, unless we have a legal obligation to retain personal information for a certain period.
  • Only transfer personal information outside jurisdiction to other Group companies in accordance with relevant legal requirements.

All policies will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain relevant and up to date with any changes to legislation and are available to all interested parties.

Changes to this notice

We may change this notice at any time by amending this page. You should check this page from time to time and take notice of any changes we have made, as they are binding on you. If we make substantial changes in the way we use your personal information, we will notify you by posting a prominent notice on our website.

Contact details

If you have any questions about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy, please write to:

Data Protection Officer, RCRProjects, 1Glenfield Close, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP21 7NE

or by email to

or by telephone on 01296 914493

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues.

This statement was approved and signed on the date shown by the company’s Director who will review and update it periodically.

J Robinson, Finance Director
1st April 2023

At any point in a project or estate lifecycle RCRProjects can provide innovative, effective & efficient ways to manage the built environment to benefit the end user, and drive efficiency and sustainability.

Email us or call on 01296 914493