Regulatory & Compliance Auditing

During a regulatory and compliance audit from RCRProjects, the team will review documentation & processes; laisie with technicians & building operators; and inspect the building to build comprehensive assessment of compliance.

A targeted audit can be a useful tool to identify any areas where performance can be showcased, and identify any areas of concern where delivery or processes may be failing short. Audit findings can be utilised as an action plan and a regular periodic audit process can show ongoing performance improvements.

A regulatory and compliance audit by RCRProjects will be tailored to your requirements but typically includes the assessment of building systems such as HVAC, electrical and plumbing; fire and life safety systems, accessibility, and energy efficiency, plus any operational or compliance issues.

Our client-specific audits are undertaken using a purpose built RCRProject format. This ‘scores’ the compliance delivery based on individual client weightings. The final output provides an action plan with recommendations for improvements and corrective actions to ensure compliance with relevant codes, regulations and industry standards. As a measurable process periodic re audits can be undertake to demonstrate improvements in service performance and to highlight any further areas for improvement.

Our regulatory and compliance audit services will typically focus on “life safety” statutory requirements to ensure buildings are safe, efficient and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Commissioning an audit can help avoid confrontational discussions between the building owner and supplier/contractor.

Operating buildings brings with it a myriad of compliance requirements. Our experience and knowledge of these requirements enables our clients to proactively manage any shortcomings to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their staff, visitors and the overall built environment.

Find out more about our other building management consultancy services

At any point in a project or estate lifecycle RCRProjects can provide innovative, effective & efficient ways to manage the built environment to benefit the end user, and drive efficiency and sustainability.

Email us or call on 01296 914493