Strategic Review & Advice

RCRProjects use our broad portfolio of expertise to assess the current state of a building or infrastructure asset in a strategic review, from which we identify opportunities for improvement and develop a plan of advice for achieving long-term goals.

The resulting report or plan provides a roadmap for stakeholders to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritise investments in the built asset.

Our team of professionals including engineers, project managers and financial experts work alongside more specialist colleagues, including architects etc. to undertake a review that would typically involve analysing the asset’s physical condition, operational performance and financial viability, as well as considering broader factors such as market trends, regulatory requirements and stakeholder needs.

Based on this analysis RCRProjects will make recommendations for optimising the asset’s performance, reducing costs, enhancing sustainability or achieving other strategic objectives.

For cost management and budget control RCRProjects have developed a bespoke maintenance modelling application. This allows us to tender, benchmark and compare maintenance delivery to ensure it represents value for money and maintains the necessary level of maintenance.

Using this model we can adapt the maintenance provision and tailor it to a client’s requirements and budget. The model can also be used to identify resourcing levels, the extent of specialist support required, management costs and as a basis for operational audits of delivery.

The use of Life Cycle Costing has grown substantially in recent years, following its demonstrable impact on being able to provide sound business cases for larger go no-go decisions within larger strategic asset management activities.

Credit-based initiatives such as BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) allows for new build and refurbishment projects to be rewarded for showing initiative in considering the economic implications of differing construction and material types through undertaking LCC analyses over 20, 30 or 60 year time periods.

RCRProjects provide first class Life Cycle Costing expertise across all sectors, inclusive of both MEP and Fabric asset lives and costs, in accordance with ISO15686, the NRM3 Digital Toolkit and BSI Standardised Method of Life Cycle Costing in Construction.

Our bespoke maintenance modelling provides reassurance that the service provided matches the contract requirements.

We have the capability to provide operational delivery and cost advice to match budget to deliver whilst ensuring our clients remain statutory compliant.

Find out more about our other building management consultancy services

At any point in a project or estate lifecycle RCRProjects can provide innovative, effective & efficient ways to manage the built environment to benefit the end user, and drive efficiency and sustainability.

Email us or call on 01296 914493